Two students in front of wall display

Students in our Niagara Career and Technical Education Center’s SkillsUSA organization came up with a great community service project to promote skilled trades and help out some children in the community.

Culinary Arts students Emily Droegmyer (Lewiston-Porter), Sophia Haley (North Tonawanda) and Kaitlyn Meahl (Starpoint) put their heads together at the beginning of the school year and came up with an idea to design a coloring book about each of the programs that

Orleans/Niagara BOCES offers. They have been working with all the programs’ teachers and students to help them solidify what the page for each of them will look like and enlisted their schoolmates’ help to solicit donations of crayons, colored pencils and markers.

The project, once completed, will be delivered to Oishei Children’s Hospital in downtown Buffalo and a facility in North Tonawanda. “It has been a great activity and project for our SkillsUSA students,” says SkillsUSA advisors Chef Caitlin Kucharski and Chef Lisa Cook. “The trades are something our students are passionate about and they love the idea of helping out children.”