woman suctioning fake baby in student's hands

Students at the Niagara Career and Technical Education Center, in the EMS and Health Occupation Technician (HOT) programs, recently got to participate in a simulated birth thanks to Catholic Health. 

EMS teacher Rodney Hogg and HOT teacher Darcy Bouchard combined their classes to take part in this amazing high-tech experience.  The Catholic Health liaisons Phil Richardson, Amanda Ohlson and Taylor Zaccarine brought in a highly realistic “patient simulator” that demonstrated a “delivery” for the students to practice with under the watchful eye of instructor intern from SUNY Niagara Allison Hubert.  Hubert is also a full-time firefighter/paramedic at the City of Batavia Fire Department.  The simulator is used for medical training and simulates various aspects of childbirth, including contractions and the patient expressing pain. 

Health Occupations Technician student Shayna Durham said, "I learned how to hold the baby when it starts to come out. You place one hand on the baby’s head and the other hand on its shoulders to provide support".  Classmate Elizabeth Finley added, “I never thought I'd be able to deliver a fake baby like that so it was definitely interesting. Since I want to go into neonatal nursing I'm happy I got to experience that."  EMS student Cassidy Stover said, “My favorite part was getting the experience in a hands-on way and also getting to work with the HOT class”.  Since the baby was covered in a type of jelly to simulate what it would actually feel like after birth, EMS student Brianna Lowe observed “I learned from the simulator how to properly hold the baby during birth and that they are very slippery.”

 “I felt it was valuable in the fact that watching a birth is a pretty unique experience for students at this age,” says Bouchard.  “Even when I was going to nursing school, the opportunity didn't present itself for me to watch a birth while I was at clinical.  It wasn't until years later that I was able to see one.  I feel it gave them exposure.”  Hogg says that both classes want to extend a special thank you to Emily James, Catholic Health Systems Manager.  “Emily sets up many trainings for various EMS agencies in Western New York.  I am lucky to have her as a friend and a colleague.  We are very grateful to have this unique learning opportunity for our students.”